My really good friend is getting married in a couple of weeks. I cant believe the day is almost here. Being the Matron of Honor of course I needed to throw her a bridal shower and for her, I wanted to make it fabulous! I decided to do a Bridal Shower Brunch.
I wanted to share it with you all not to toot my own horn but it really did turn out so nice and cute. I was really impressed with myself. Okay yea.....its to toot my own horn. LOL
The past few days the weather man has been teasing me saying it was going to rain. I didn't have a plan B and we were eating outside. Luckily God was on my side and the weather was beautiful. Perfect!
Here was out outside view
The table scape.
Table setting.
I wanted to share it with you all not to toot my own horn but it really did turn out so nice and cute. I was really impressed with myself. Okay yea.....its to toot my own horn. LOL
The past few days the weather man has been teasing me saying it was going to rain. I didn't have a plan B and we were eating outside. Luckily God was on my side and the weather was beautiful. Perfect!
Here was out outside view
The table scape.

I made this banner for Christi and Barry. I liked the way it turned out too.