It all started with this book. Pinkalicious! This is one of Bear's favorite books. Its actually really cute and little girls love it. This year for her birthday she wanted to have a tea party but wanted it to be a "Pinkalicious Tea Party." So the planning began...
For those of you who don't know Pinkalicious is all about a little girl that eats pink cupcakes and turns pink. Having said that the most important thing Bear wanted was PINK PINK PINK. I think I might have taken this a little too literal. Read on and you will find out.
The invitation to the Pinkalicious Party. Of course PINK.
For those of you who don't know Pinkalicious is all about a little girl that eats pink cupcakes and turns pink. Having said that the most important thing Bear wanted was PINK PINK PINK. I think I might have taken this a little too literal. Read on and you will find out.

The tea party was outside in the backyard. I made a PINK Banner for her with her name on it. She loved it!
The birthday girl chair. We actually use this chair cover every year for her birthday. It worked out this year that it was PINK and had PINK cupcakes on it. Perfect!

With a little fabric and heat-n-bond I made this table runner. My daughter liked it too. The cupcakes looked way cuter in person.

The PINK flowers.

Pink Rice

I'm not one of those moms that likes to do games at parties. If the kids want me too I'll do it but since my daughter doesn't really like them it works out great! We usually end up doing a craft at her parties. This year we made Shrink-dink tea pot magnets. This was a big hit with the Pinkalicious girls.Loriella blowing out her candles. I love that Luke is trying to help her out in the backround.
Instead of party bags I decided to do favors this year. I rolled up PINK paper into these cones. They were filled with PINK marshmallows that I had dipped in chocolate and then pink sprinkles to look like the cupcakes from the Pinkalicious book. I also tied a little PINK tea bag on the side of it.
I think this was probably one of my favorite parties that I have done for my daughter. It was so girly and perfect for her.
Total cost of this party was $113
Total cost of this party was $113