Anyone who's anybody has definitely heard of good ole Dr Seuss. The kids school always celebrates "Read Across America." The kids love it because it is an entire week of fun activities at school. On the last day the kids got to wear their pj's to school. I forgot to get a picture of them but it was really cute.
The night before I packed them a Dr Seuss lunch that I had seen online a few years ago but never ended up doing. This year I was determined to do it. I had to switch it up a little but it was pretty much the same idea.
This was the little note I made to put inside their lunches.

The lunch consisted of hard boiled eggs (dyed green), cubed ham, pink yogurt drink, blue jello, fish crackers and marshmallows. The kids all said they had so much fun with it.
Each class was to have a parent bring in cupcakes. I saw a similar idea on Pinterest and tried to make them with a little twist of my own.
These things had some serious frosting on them.
I had so much fun doing this for the kids. And to make it more special for me is that they LOVED me doing it for them :)